Our Services

OPTIONS Residential Services Program provides intensive instruction and intervention to reduce challenging behaviors and cognitive deficits for people with intellectual disabilities and/or other neurological impairments.
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Services are designed to foster transition to more independent living environments within the shortest reasonable period of time. There is no preset or average length of stay for people served in OPTIONS residential programs, but instead a continual review of progress and individualized plans for residential services. OPTIONS homes are staffed at a one-to-three staff-to-client ratio for up to fourteen hours per day, with a one-to-six ratio at night. This service is covered through Medi-Cal and any share of cost will be determined by DHCS.
OPTIONS overall residential program design has three major components: independent living skills acquisition, behavior management, and medical services. All programming is directed by qualified staff and services are outlined in each client’s Individual Service Plan.
OPTIONS operates a variety of programs throughout San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. These include ICF-IDH residential services, Community Care Licensed residential services, Crisis residential services, Community Care Licensed Day program services, Transitional Living services, Supported Living services, Independent Living services and vocational services. All of our residential locations are located in quiet, residential neighborhoods in the community.
OPTIONS is committed to individual choice and family involvement in the planning of services for everyone we support. Each person and family members of his or her choice contribute to theirs Individual Service Plan (ISP) and serve as members of the Interdisciplinary (ID) Team that creates a personalized program to address presenting behavior problems and independent living skills deficits. Each person’s ISP will include, but not be limited to reason for referral, primary and secondary diagnoses, functional description of targeted objectives, measurement procedures, baseline data, goals, treatment plans, and people responsible for implementation. The ID Team meets every six months or more often as necessary to update the client’s ISP.

Independent Living
OPTIONS Supported Living Services encourage maximum independence for individuals who are able to live in their own homes or apartments, yet need some assistance with daily living skills.
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OPTIONS Transitional Living Services are the ideal choice for individuals who have satisfactory self-care skills yet still require behavioral support and adaptive living skills training in a semi-independent living setting.
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OPTIONS Transitional Living Services are provided at a four-unit apartment building just blocks from the ocean in picturesque Morro Bay. The building is located in a quiet neighborhood comprised primarily of single-family homes. Each person receiving Transitional Living Services shares an apartment with one or two housemates and each individual has their own room. Individuals work together to decorate their apartments and can decorate their rooms to reflect personal interests and styles.The apartment complex can accommodate up to eight people. This services is funded through the Regional Center and low income rent is paid by each person served, subsidized by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Transitional Living Services include independent living skills instruction, community activities and behavioral services. An Individual Service Plan is created with the full participation of each person receiving services and stress individual achievement in the development of acceptable social behaviors and adaptive living skills. Transitional Living Services staff provide individual support whenever possible, and 24-hour on-site supervision is available at all times.

Community Integration Services
Community Integration Services (CIS) is a day program offering a unique curriculum of classroom and community-based instruction in the Adaptive Living Skills.
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Job training and exposure to new activities helps participants develop increased self-esteem and a sense of community inclusion. Adaptive Living Skills training allows participants to make real choices about their jobs and leisure activities. Socialization skills are developed as participants engage in group activities and make new friends. Many CIS participants eventually obtain and keep meaningful jobs, benefiting not only the participants, but also employers and the community at large. OPTIONS CIS hours are 9AM-3PM, Monday through Friday. This service is funded through the Regional Center.
CIS serves individuals with developmental disabilities or other neurological impairments who strive for increased independence through community participation and rewarding employment.
CIS introduces participants to community activities that promote self-reliance and self-esteem. Trained staff assist participants in learning life skills such as the use of public transportation resources; money management and comparative shopping; and use of community resources including restaurants, libraries, post offices, and health facilities.
Behavioral Intervention is an integral component of CIS. An individualized behavior plan is developed in partnership with each CIS participant and implemented by CIS staff during daily activities. Behavior plans target behavioral excesses and set goals and methods for their reduction or elimination.
CIS staff provides individualized skills instruction and support to foster success in a supported work environment. Pre-employment training includes job search and development methods, resume development, interview techniques, employee relations, job performance skills, and job safety.
CIS participants have the opportunity to earn up to full minimum wage working on OPTIONS work crews throughout San Luis Obispo County, performing tasks such as landscaping and shredding. New work crew sites are continually being added to offer a variety of choices to the CIS participant. CIS provides continuous support to both employers and employees. Once an employee is thoroughly trained in his or her job duties, a work crew supervisor continues to provide on-the-job support as long as it is needed, ensuring consistent work productivity as the employee develops new skills.

OPTIONS Family of Services help individuals with Disabilities find meaningful employment.
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Entrance criteria for this program are established by the Department of Rehabilitation. OPTIONS Family of Services specializes in placing Disabled Individuals in positions of employment. This is accomplished through a careful Employer Selection Process and meticulous matching of employer needs to the skills and interests of each worker. Together this process and the report generated determines the appropriate course for the individual to follow.
Vocational Services provide the opportunity to improve employment skills. Job Coaches provide one-on-one site job training to develop employment skills. Hours/days of services are based on the individuals needs and can be authorized for up to 100% support (having a job coach at the worksite 100% of the persons served schedule). This service is funded through the Regional Center.

Day Services
Tailored Day Services are designed to maximize a person’s individualized choices and needs, with customization of day services through individualized services.
The Social Recreation Program consists of the development of a wide variety of activity clubs, recreational and social opportunities and planned events.